For Fur Babies

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Sunday Funday!

Well, it's Sunday and I usually go out to my mom's for lunch and some good conversations.  Today was one of those days :)  My mom and I have always been pretty close. Even though like most mothers she gets under your skin, she's always been there for me and loves me no matter what.  She also gives pretty good advice.  She's not the type to pry in your business too much but if you ask her she'll let you know how she feels about things and sometimes when you don't ask. LOL Now that I look back on my life there are times I wish she would have butted in a little more. Maybe I wouldn't have married that jerk! LOL  No, I don't blame anyone but my own stupid 23 year old self for making that mistake.  UGH and what a big one it was.  That's 5 years of my life I wouldn't want to relive.  My hubby now is an awesome, caring person who is always there for me.  Girls... let me give you this little piece of advice when picking a man.  Watch how he treats his mother or how he refers to his mother in conversations. However he treats his mom is how he's going to treat you.  It's a very good gage trust me. 

Mom and I sat around and chatted about life and her soon to be move.  She's trying to consolidate things for her and my g'ma. They'll be co-habituating after the move. So I put her an ad on Craigslist and took pics of a bunch of her stuff to post on Facebook too. I hope she has a HUGE turn out this Saturday too. 

Hope your alls Sunday was a great one.  Monday here we come! 

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