For Fur Babies

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Hillbilly Hygienist

Well... Wednesday I went to the periodontist to see if he could do an immediate implant for my broken off upper left lateral (#10) and low and behold he said he could.  So his hygienist Jamie numbed me up.  Jamie and I took our local anesthesia course together about 6 years ago I guess.  She did an awesome job too didn't feel a thing :-)   So the doc takes out the remaining root and then Shannon his assistant does a iCat scan of my head, which I got a copy of being the tech head I am.  I love looking at stuff like that. Any who... then he proceeds to put in the implant.  Boy that was a head rattling experience.  About an hour and a half later implant is in and I'm on my way back to the house.  Now we wait and see if it integrates with the bone and in 4 months we can start to build my new tooth on it.  I hate the appliance I'm wearing to replace my missing tooth though. It's a pain and makes my other front teeth sore if I wear it all day.  I'm getting another type of appliance to replace this one which should be more comfortable but I have to wait till the lab gets it done :/  So right now I am truly the hillbilly hygienist.  

All I want for Christmas is my left left left lateral...hehehe

Saturday, November 9, 2013

For a Dental Professional....

....I have the worst luck with teeth.   You name it and I've probably had it done to my teeth or need it done. 

Today as per our usual Saturday events, my hubby and I had planned to go to the movies to see Thor: The Dark World.  We get to the theater get our usual concessions a large popcorn, medium coke zero and a nachos & cheese get our seats and start munching on our nachos while the advertisements are playing on the screen.  Then the previews start and we get to see a cool 5 minute preview of the new Captain America movie that's coming out soon.  Then the Thor movie starts and we're chowing down on our popcorn.  I'm tired of salty stuff so I have a cherry tootsie pop in my pocket so I pop that in my mouth and after I've worn it down to the tootsie roll center I bite it and start chewing it up. That's when I hear a SNAP and my upper left lateral incisor breaks off right at the gum line.  I freak out start crying and my hubby is wondering what the heck happened and I tell him and I'm still freaking.  He's trying his best to console me...poor guy. We get and leave I call my boss and leave him a message. I tell my hubby we might as well try to finish the movie since there is nothing we can do but wait for him to return my call.  No sooner did we get back in the theater my boss/dentist calls me and says he'll meet me at the office in a hour.  Luckily even though the tooth broke clean off into the gum and I can see the nerve it's not hurting.  Thank the good Lord for that :)  Any who... long story short my wonderful boss fixes me up temporarily so I don't look like the hillbilly hygienist and I have to have an implant done hopefully real soon :)

You know the last time I broke a tooth it was at the movies...hmmm maybe I need to rethink this movie going habit we have... nawww don't think it's gonna happen...LOL

Have a great weekend and don't do that "how many licks does it take to get to the middle of a tootsie pop" thing  ;)