For Fur Babies

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Well, that's just what I needed...

Well, that's just what I needed...

Krazy Katie
Came home from work today and the first thing I do after I enter the house is take our our 2 dogs, Kassie & Katie.  Katie usually goes out first cuz she meets me at the door while Kassie is laid up in the back bedroom :-)  So I put the leash on Katie and we go out and instead of her usual quick pee she decides to take off down the hill with me.  As I'm running and screaming at her just just ignores me like I'm not even there and I think she's gonna get away from me. I have NO idea what the heck she is chasing after because there is NOTHING around us at all.  I'm yelling "STOP KATIE STOP"!!! My neighbors probably thought I was a crazy woman if they heard me. LOL  But she keeps on going and finally about after 30 feet of dragging me I just sit down in the mud because otherwise she's just gonna have me heading and pitching down the hill.  Sitting down is the only way I can stop this train wreck but she keeps going and now my scrubs are all muddy, my favorite Keens are muddy, I've be bumped and contorted into a pretzel, my left elbow is skinned up, my left hip slammed to into the ground and my right ankle & shin skinned.  Ugh!  What the heck was she thinking.  She's only done this to me one other time about  4 years ago.  She's a strong mutt I'll give her that.  Maybe I should hook her up to a dog sled. LOL  I'm getting ready to go on vacation in 10 days and I sure don't want to have to go in a wheelchair.  I've got big plans for this vacation...hehehe  Anyway I was really ticked off at her afterward and she just looks at me like "what mom...I didn't do anything" and gives me that big dopey look she has.  She totally doesn't get that I'm mad at her behavior.  Kassie on the other hand knows and curls up in the corner away from me thinking "I'm steering clear of mom she's sure is mad about something."  I already feel the soreness settling in my joints.  UGH Aleve here I come LOL  But I can't stay mad at a face like that now can I ...hehehe 

Until next time....

Keep Smiling... Sherri :)

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

What a Week!

Well...I haven't blogged in a week or so because I've been so dang busy! Finally got mom all moved in thank goodness that is over!  Then had my conference in Vegas which was great! RDH Under One Roof is one of the best conferences for hygienists I've ever attended.  At RDH UOR you can meet lots of new RDHs,  attend great continuing education courses, win lots of prizes, visit dental exhibitors, & see what's new in the field of dental hygiene. I attended several great CEs, met up with some old friends and made some new ones.  I even won a Twitter contest that RDH UOR had...whooohooo I rarely win anything but I got lucky this time and actually won 3 times :-D  I won all sorts of "bling" in the RDHUOR Twitter #RDHBlingQueen contest and also $150.00.  Then I won 2 times in their Twitter trivia contests which was a blinged out keychain, lanyard & pen. I gave one set of them to my roomie, Kathy.  It was so great seeing all the ladies from the "list".  The "LIST" is a email group of RDHs that my good friend Amy started and is located at RDH LISTERS  

Then I get back to work Monday to find they have reset all the computers and had to "tweak" the settings and everyone was complaining.  I had to get the computer guy to hunt down all my files that I had made. Then I had to go around and help some other other fix everything on theirs too.  They freak when when the computer gets messed up LOL.  But things are getting back to normal and I think our new computer guys might be a blessing because at least they know more than just networking and they only deal with dental offices so that's a real plus.  

Now I'm counting down the days until my hubby and I go on our Mediterranean cruise wooohooo I'm so excited. Only 11 more days and we take flight to Barcelona then off to Naples on the Norwegian Epic. I'm already packing my bags in my mind LOL.  

Until next time....Keep Smiling!


Friday, July 12, 2013

What a Day!

Well...I'm off from work for 9 big days!!! Whoooooohoooo!!!  So today I went to help my mom do some finishing touches on her kitchen remodel. was a slow start to say the least. Can't find this...where is know the drill.... oh yeah where is the drill by the way...LOL  Anyway finished putting knobs on the drawers, the carpet cleaners finally made it over and carpets look pretty good now :-)  Just as the carpet cleaners were leaving the water meter man knocks on the door and tell us that the meter is running a mile a minute and there is a serious leak somewhere and there had been over 27,000 gallons of water used since the last reading... WHAT THE HECK!!!  OMG that's enough water for a 20' x 40' in ground swimming pool!!  There NO water standing anywhere around the house other than a small puddle in the driveway.  My uncle looked under the house and NO water leaking anywhere.  So where is this water coming from and going too. Not to mention the fact that it has rained most everyday for the last 2 weeks and even with that there was no water standing.  I don't get it.  So we had to start calling plumbers which there was not one in our town that was available.  What does everyone have a plugged up toilet or something in this town???!!!  So then we went out to my mom's other house to get the insurance policy that came with the house when she bought it but of course they don't cover if it's something from the house to the meter UGH.  Well..then it's lunch time so we run to McDonald's down the road and were just gonna get Happy meals cuz they are easy. We got 3 Happy meals and it was over $12 freaking bucks.. What the heck! And little did we know that you only get 5 fries with a Happy meal now.  When my mom opened the box on our way out of the drive thru and saw that she blew her stack and said "Go Back...I'm not paying almost $13 for this". So I pull up to the front and she snatches up the 3 Happy meals and the teaspoon of coke they gave us and marches right in and lets them know she's not being ripped off.  LOL I wish I had filmed it cuz she was so funny snatching up the stuff and getting out of my little 2 seater car.  I started rolling laughing.  OMG we laughed all afternoon about that incident.  Thanks mom for making my day :-)  We did however finally finish the trim on the cabinets.  But still don't know where the water is going or coming's a mystery that has yet to be solved. 

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Another Day of Cabinetry

This long weekend went by too fast as they usually do.  Today was day 2 of
operation cabinet rehab at mom's place. and it's coming a long pretty nicely if I do say so myself.  We've busted our butts getting it done and we still have quit a few things to complete and we would have gotten them done but Lowes didn't have the decorative strips that we needed so we'll have to add the rest of those later. So after 2 hard days I'm icing my poor old knee because my knees and ladder climbing just don't get along too well.  Tomorrow my uncle is hooking up the dishwasher, stove and finishing up the cabinets hopefully the countertops will be ready to install.  I have to work tomorrow so I'll stop over after supper to see what has transpired :-D  I'm hoping the rain will go away for moving day which will be Saturday.  I'd really hate for everyone to have to get drenched to get all the stuff moved.  Saturday is the only day that we can get everyone together.  Wish us luck! 

Until Next Time...

Keep Brushing!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Oh the Pain of It All


As I've mentioned before my mom purchased a home and it needed a facelift so your's truly has been helping her. Today I painted the molding around the ceiling and we started painting the kitchen cabinets.  It's actually been really fun helping her even if my muscles are telling me different.  My mom and I are lucky to have a good relationship and I can go to her about most anything. We enjoy each other company.  We always find something to talk about and usually end up laughing the day away.  We started pretty early...well, early for me on a
Mom Painting
Saturday 9am...LOL  She had to rund to Lowes of course before she came over to the house. While I was waiting I started on the molding.  When she go there we started on the cabinets and then she realized that one of her bags got left at Lowes so she had to go back and get it.  UGH... Seems you never have what you need when you need it.  You spend half your time running to get this or taking this back. It's frustrating!! We did however end the day with a coat of paint on all the cabinets!  Back at it tomorrow for coat #2. And most likely a trip to Lowes...LOL 

Until Next Time....

Keep Smiling! 

Friday, July 5, 2013

Dental Stuff

Today my hubby had to go to the oral surgeon to have a wisdom tooth, #32, taken out. Every thing went according to plan thank goodness.  When my hubby came out from his appointment he tells me that the dentist used a "drill" (hand-piece) connected to an iPad.  I'm thinking hmmm never heard of this piece of
equipment. So I get on my iPad go to the App Store and wallah there it is iChiropro.  It's pretty cool. You connect the hand-piece to it, there are a variety to choose from for different purposes, and it has preset commands that control it.  There are more and ore uses for our gadgets other than gaming. I saw a tv program not too long ago that was showing apps to use in medical offices or to take vitals of patients while they were at home.  All sorts of neat technology on the horizon.

Until next time....

Keep brushing 

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy 4th of July!

Hope everyone has a happy, healthy & safe 4th of July.  We've had so much rain in my area that most of the fireworks have been either canceled or posponed.  :-(   We don't usually go to the fireworks because we can hear and see our neighbors letting them off from our front porch. Having your home on a hill has a few advantages.  One you can see the nice views and usually don't have to worry about flooding  LOL   All this crappy weather has my joints a aching too. I've been living on Aleve for breakfast.  Getting old sucks but I suppose it's better than the alternative.  

Not sure what this 4 day weekend will have in store for me but I'm sure it will include a movie...hehehe  I think we have chosen THE HEAT as our movie this weekend because the LONE RANGER isn't getting good press.  Most of the time I (we) don't pay any attention to movie reviews and just pick something that appeals to both of us.  Luckily for my hubby I like all the action flix and I can on occasion get him to go to a chick flick especially if Sandra Bullock is in it LOL  That's his celebrity crush.  Mine is Hugh Jackman and I loves me some Wolverine action so I can't wait for that movie to come out :-)

July is a busy month for me. Holiday, helping mom with the new house, and a
dental hygiene convention to attend.  Really looking forward to the RDH Under One Roof convention which is being held in Las Vegas this year..WOOOHOOO  I've never been to Vegas so I'm killing 2 birds with 1 stone so to speak.  Get some good education while crossing Vegas off my bucket list.  My roomie, Kathy and I are going to a Cirque du Soleil's Mystere at Treasure Island.  It's gonna be soooo fun.  I plan on seeing the fountains at the Bellagio and taking a tour of the Venetian, might even fit in a gondola ride...hehehe

Well that's it for me...Until next time...Have a great 4th of July!!!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Busy Few Days

Well... this weekend flew by!  Back to work in the AM but luckily I only have to work 2 days this week WOOOHOOO.  I've been helping my mom with the house she bought painting, taking out old cabinets and stuff.  Today my uncle took out the remaining cabinets and this brick flower box thing in the kitchen.  Why on earth someone would put such a monstrosity in a kitchen is beyond me.  So I got to help clean up the mess and carry bricks out and stack them up on the carport.  I got my bicep curls and stair master in for sure.   Where was this strong guy in the pic when I needed him... LOL's all done and cleaned up and ready for the flooring to go down IF they ever deliver it!  They were suppose to bring it between 4 & 6PM today but did they NOPE!  I swear the people in this town NEVER do what they say they will do.  Honestly I think they have NO clue.  That everything is to THEIR time and needs.  Well...I hate to tell them that everyone has a life and when someone tells me they will be at a certain place at a certain time then THAT is what I expect or at least the curtesy of a phone call to say they were held up or something.  Same thing happened with the carpet cleaners. They were suppose to be at the house Saturday between 11 & 3 did they show up NOPE!  They did however call but not until after 3pm DUH  Is that any way to run a business??? UGH What has happen to people.  No one respects anyone anymore.  It's just crazy.  If I did that to people I bet I would never hear the end of it.  No...I obey the rules just like my momma taught me. I try to treat people with respect.  When I say I'll be there...then I'M THERE!  Gezzz people have some common decency and curtesy...Just saying :-)

Until next time.....

Keep Smiling :-)